
Friday, March 22, 2019

President Bill Clinton :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays

Bill ClintonIn recent history, one would be hard press to find one politician surrounded in more brawl than Bill Clinton. His scandals have included drugs, adultery, treason, and fraud. The latest opprobrium that has plagued his presidency resulted in him becoming only the second president in the history of the get together States to be impeached. After a long and drawn out inner harassment trial, Paula Jones&8217 lawyers deposed former White Ho engage intern Monica Lewinsky. What would follow in the next 14 months, yet Clinton&8217s most adamant critics couldn&8217t have predicted. It all began with Clinton&8217s now infamous words &8220I have never had sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. Several videotapes, sapeanas, and cigar jokes later, the American frequent found out that he did, indeed, had sex with that woman. Many were outraged, many suasion it was his personal business, and many just didn&8217t c atomic number 18. The nation became divided on what acti ons should be taken against a popular president that had just admitted to double-dealing to his public and possibly lying under oath. Every constitutional disciple had an opinion about what constituted high crimes and misdemeanors. The 146th congress had to determine that for themselves, and in early January of 1999, William Jefferson Clinton was impeached. As the focus then turned to the Senate, many debates arose. Did the chairman&8217s sexual indiscretion deserve to get him removed from smudge? Other options such as censorship were debated, but whether or non other options could even be discussed brought disagreement. In the end, the Senate voted against removing Clinton from office, but whether that will be the last of this matter, only time will tell.Fifty years from now, when our grandchildren are learning about our 46th President, what will the books say? Will they apologize how his moral hypocracy divided a country? As a appendage of our United States armed forces, I f ind it hard to respect a man who can so easily lie to his citizens, deny accountability for his actions, and expect the public to forgive and forget with no real repentance. It is a sad time for our country when parents can&8217t even use the head of state as a role model for their children. As a result of Clinton&8217s actions, his every decision is questioned for fear that he is just covering us another lie. Can Americans rely on Bill Clinton to make the best choices for our country when we don&8217t even trust him?

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